How Do I Care for Hemp Clothing?

Hemp clothing has grown in popularity thanks to its durability, sustainability, and comfort. But to maintain these qualities, it's essential to know the proper care techniques. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about caring for hemp clothing, from washing to storing, and even addressing common mistakes. By the end, you'll be equipped with all the knowledge you need to keep your hemp garments in top condition.

Hemp Clothing Overview

Hemp clothing is made from the fibers of the hemp plant, known for its strength and sustainability. It's a versatile fabric used in various clothing items, from shirts and pants to hats and bags. One of the key advantages of hemp is its resistance to wear and tear, making it a durable choice for clothing. Additionally, hemp is environmentally friendly due to its low water and pesticide requirements during cultivation.

Hemp clothing has a natural look and feel, often compared to linen, but it's generally more robust and longer-lasting. Its breathability and moisture-wicking properties make it suitable for various weather conditions, providing comfort and practicality in one package. To maintain these benefits, proper care is crucial.

Benefits of Hemp Clothing

Hemp clothing offers several advantages over other fabrics, making it an attractive choice for eco-conscious consumers. Some key benefits include:


Hemp fibers are incredibly strong, which means hemp clothing can withstand regular use and washing without losing its shape or quality.


Hemp is a sustainable crop, requiring less water and pesticides compared to other textiles like cotton. Its rapid growth also contributes to a reduced carbon footprint.


Hemp fabric allows air to circulate, keeping you cool in warm weather while retaining warmth in cooler climates.

Antimicrobial Properties:

Hemp naturally resists mold and mildew, reducing odors and keeping your clothing fresher for longer.

UV Resistance:

Hemp clothing offers a level of UV protection, making it ideal for outdoor wear.

Given these benefits, it's no wonder hemp clothing is becoming increasingly popular. However, to enjoy these advantages over the long term, proper care is essential.

Types of Hemp Clothing

Hemp clothing comes in various forms, catering to different styles and needs. Some common types include:

Hemp Shirts:

These can range from casual t-shirts to formal button-downs. Hemp shirts are breathable and comfortable, ideal for everyday wear.

Hemp Pants:

Available in various styles, from relaxed fit to tailored, hemp pants are durable and versatile.

Hemp Jackets:

Offering a rugged yet stylish look, hemp jackets are perfect for layering in cooler weather.

Hemp Dresses:

These can be light and airy for summer or heavier for winter, showcasing the versatility of hemp fabric.

Hemp Accessories:

Beyond clothing, hemp is used for hats, bags, and even shoes, providing a complete eco-friendly ensemble.

Each type of hemp clothing has specific care requirements, which we'll explore in detail to ensure your garments remain in excellent condition.

Durability of Hemp Fabric

One of the primary reasons people choose hemp clothing is its durability. Hemp fibers are naturally strong, giving the fabric excellent resistance to wear and tear. This durability means hemp clothing is less likely to rip, stretch, or shrink, making it a long-lasting addition to your wardrobe.\

However, despite its strength, hemp fabric can still be affected by harsh washing and drying methods. To maintain its durability, it's crucial to follow the recommended care guidelines. Avoiding high temperatures and using gentle detergents are two key strategies to keep your hemp clothing in great shape.

Washing Instructions for Hemp Clothing

Washing is a critical aspect of caring for hemp clothing. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to wash your hemp garments to ensure they stay clean without compromising their integrity:

Check the Label:

Always read the care label on your hemp clothing to confirm the manufacturer's recommendations. Some items may require specific care instructions.

Use Cold Water:

Washing hemp clothing in cold water helps preserve the fabric's strength and color. Hot water can cause shrinkage or damage the fibers.

Choose a Gentle Cycle:

A gentle washing cycle reduces the risk of wear and tear. Avoid heavy-duty cycles or excessive spinning.

Select a Mild Detergent:

Opt for a mild, eco-friendly detergent to protect the hemp fibers. Harsh chemicals can weaken the fabric over time.

Avoid Bleach:

Bleach can cause discoloration and damage to hemp clothing. If necessary, use oxygen-based bleach for stubborn stains.

Turn Garments Inside Out:

This helps prevent fading and reduces friction during washing.

By following these steps, you can ensure your hemp clothing stays clean without compromising its durability or appearance.

Drying Hemp Clothing

Proper drying techniques are just as important as washing when caring for hemp clothing. Here's what you need to know about drying hemp garments:

Air Drying:

The best way to dry hemp clothing is to air dry it. Hanging your garments on a clothesline or drying rack minimizes the risk of shrinkage and maintains the fabric's integrity.

Avoid High Heat:

If you must use a dryer, choose a low heat setting to prevent damage. High heat can cause the fabric to shrink or become brittle.

Use Fabric Softener:

Adding a natural fabric softener can help keep hemp clothing soft and flexible. Avoid chemical softeners, which can harm the fabric and the environment.

Remove Promptly:

If you use a dryer, remove the hemp clothing as soon as it's dry to avoid over-drying, which can lead to wrinkles and stiffness.

Shape Garments:

When air drying, shape your garments to their original form to prevent stretching or warping.

By using these drying techniques, you can maintain the quality and shape of your hemp clothing, ensuring it lasts for years to come.

Ironing Hemp Fabric

Ironing hemp clothing can help remove wrinkles and keep your garments looking crisp. However, it's important to do so with care to avoid damaging the fabric. Here's a guide to ironing hemp clothing:

Set the Right Temperature:

Use a medium heat setting on your iron. Too much heat can scorch or damage the hemp fibers.

Use Steam:

Steam can help remove wrinkles more effectively without applying excessive heat. A steam iron is ideal for hemp clothing.

Iron Inside Out:

To prevent shine or marks on the fabric, iron your hemp garments inside out.

Use a Pressing Cloth:

If you're ironing directly on the fabric, consider using a pressing cloth to protect the garment's surface.

Avoid Over-Ironing:

Excessive ironing can weaken the fabric and cause it to lose its natural texture. Iron only as much as necessary to remove wrinkles.

By following these tips, you can iron your hemp clothing safely and maintain its appearance and durability.

Storing Hemp Clothing

Proper storage is essential for keeping hemp clothing in good condition when not in use. Here's how to store your hemp garments to ensure they remain in excellent shape:

Clean Before Storing:

Always ensure your hemp clothing is clean and dry before storing it. This prevents mold, mildew, and odors from developing.

Choose a Cool, Dry Place:

Store your hemp garments in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause fading over time.

Use Breathable Storage Bags:

Instead of plastic bags, use breathable fabric bags or garment covers to protect your hemp clothing while allowing air circulation.

Fold Neatly:

Avoid hanging heavy hemp garments, as this can stretch the fabric. Instead, fold them neatly to prevent creases and wrinkles.

Avoid Mothballs:

Traditional mothballs contain chemicals that can harm hemp clothing. Instead, use natural moth repellents like cedar or lavender.

With these storage tips, you can keep your hemp clothing looking fresh and ready for use whenever you need it.

Eco-Friendly Nature of Hemp Clothing

One of the primary reasons people choose hemp clothing is its eco-friendly nature. Hemp is considered a sustainable crop for several reasons:

Low Water Usage:

Hemp requires significantly less water to grow compared to other crops like cotton. This makes it a more sustainable choice in regions with limited water resources.

Reduced Pesticide Use:

Hemp is naturally resistant to pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides. This contributes to a cleaner environment and healthier ecosystems.

Fast Growth:

Hemp grows quickly, allowing for multiple harvests in a year. This rapid growth rate reduces the environmental impact of hemp cultivation.

Carbon Sequestration:

Hemp plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This contributes to a lower carbon footprint.

Given these eco-friendly benefits, hemp clothing is an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their environmental impact. However, proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure these benefits are sustained over time.

Avoiding Shrinkage in Hemp Fabric

Shrinkage can be a concern with hemp clothing if not cared for properly. Here are some tips to avoid shrinkage and keep your hemp garments in their original size:

Wash in Cold Water:

Hot water is the primary cause of shrinkage in hemp clothing. Stick to cold water when washing to prevent this issue.

Use a Gentle Cycle:

A gentle washing cycle reduces the stress on hemp fibers, minimizing the risk of shrinkage.

Avoid High Heat Drying:

High heat can cause hemp fabric to shrink. If you use a dryer, select a low heat setting or air dry your garments.

Shape After Washing:

After washing, shape your hemp garments to their original form to prevent them from shrinking as they dry.

Follow Care Instructions:

Always refer to the manufacturer's care label for specific guidance on avoiding shrinkage.

By following these steps, you can minimize the risk of shrinkage and ensure your hemp clothing retains its shape and size over time.

Tips for Maintaining Hemp's Softness

Hemp clothing can become softer with use, but it's important to maintain that softness through proper care. Here are some tips to keep your hemp garments soft and comfortable:

Use Fabric Softener:

Adding a natural fabric softener to your wash can help keep hemp clothing soft. Look for eco-friendly options to avoid chemicals.

Dry Gently:

Air drying or using a low heat setting in the dryer can help maintain the softness of hemp fabric.

Avoid Harsh Detergents:

Harsh detergents can strip away the natural oils in hemp fibers, leading to stiffness. Stick to mild, eco-friendly detergents.

Iron with Steam:

If you need to iron your hemp clothing, use steam to keep the fabric soft and supple.

Wear and Wash Regularly:

The more you wear and wash hemp clothing, the softer it becomes. Regular use helps break down the fibers, leading to a softer texture over time.

By following these tips, you can ensure your hemp clothing remains soft and comfortable, enhancing the overall wearing experience.

Common Mistakes in Caring for Hemp Clothing

Caring for hemp clothing can be straightforward, but there are some common mistakes to avoid. Here's a list of these mistakes and how to prevent them:

Using Hot Water:

Washing in hot water can cause hemp clothing to shrink or become damaged. Always use cold water for washing.


High heat in the dryer can cause shrinkage and damage to hemp fabric. Air drying or low heat drying is recommended.

Using Harsh Detergents:

Harsh chemicals can weaken hemp fibers and affect the fabric's softness. Opt for mild, eco-friendly detergents.

Skipping the Care Label:

Ignoring the care label on your hemp clothing can lead to improper care. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Storing in Plastic Bags:

Storing hemp clothing in plastic bags can trap moisture and lead to mold or mildew. Use breathable fabric bags instead.


Excessive ironing can damage hemp fabric and cause it to lose its natural texture. Iron only as needed and use a pressing cloth if necessary.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure your hemp clothing stays in excellent condition and lasts for years to come.

Hemp Clothing vs. Other Natural Fabrics

Hemp clothing is often compared to other natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and wool. Let's explore how hemp stands out and why it's a unique choice for clothing:


Hemp is more durable than most natural fabrics, providing excellent resistance to wear and tear. This makes it a long-lasting choice for clothing.


Hemp has a lower environmental impact than cotton due to its reduced water and pesticide requirements. It's also biodegradable and contributes to carbon sequestration.


Hemp clothing offers excellent breathability, keeping you cool in warm weather. This is comparable to linen and superior to wool.


Hemp fabric wicks away moisture, keeping you dry and comfortable. This makes it ideal for activewear and outdoor clothing.


Hemp has a natural texture similar to linen, but it's generally softer and becomes more pliable with use.


Hemp clothing can be used for various garments, from casual wear to formal attire. Its versatility makes it a practical choice for different occasions.

While other natural fabrics have their unique benefits, hemp's combination of durability, eco-friendliness, and breathability makes it a standout choice for clothing. With proper care, hemp clothing can offer lasting value and comfort.

Sustainability of Hemp Clothing

Hemp clothing is inherently sustainable due to the eco-friendly characteristics of the hemp plant. Here's why hemp is considered a sustainable choice:

Low Resource Requirements:

Hemp requires less water and fewer pesticides than other crops, reducing its environmental impact.

Rapid Growth:

Hemp grows quickly, allowing for multiple harvests in a year. This rapid growth rate contributes to sustainability.

Carbon Sequestration:

Hemp plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to combat climate change. This makes hemp cultivation a positive force for the environment.


Hemp fabric is biodegradable, ensuring it doesn't contribute to long-term waste in landfills.

Reduced Soil Erosion:

Hemp's robust root system helps prevent soil erosion, contributing to healthier soil ecosystems.

These sustainability features make hemp clothing an attractive choice for environmentally conscious consumers. However, to fully realize these benefits, it's essential to care for hemp clothing properly to ensure its longevity.

Cleaning Stains on Hemp Clothing

Stains on hemp clothing can be tricky to remove, but with the right approach, you can effectively clean your garments without damaging the fabric. Here's a step-by-step guide to cleaning stains on hemp clothing:

Act Quickly:

The sooner you address a stain, the easier it is to remove. Blot the stain gently with a clean cloth to absorb excess liquid.

Use a Mild Detergent:

Apply a small amount of mild detergent directly to the stain and gently rub it in. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the fabric.

Rinse with Cold Water:

After applying detergent, rinse the stained area with cold water. Hot water can set the stain, making it more difficult to remove.

Soak if Necessary:

For stubborn stains, soak the garment in cold water with a bit of detergent for 15–30 minutes before washing.

Wash Normally:

Once the stain is treated, wash the garment as usual, following the care instructions. This should remove any remaining traces of the stain.

Avoid Bleach:

Bleach can damage hemp fabric and cause discoloration. If you need extra stain-fighting power, consider oxygen-based bleach or natural alternatives like baking soda.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean stains from hemp clothing without compromising its durability or appearance.

Using Natural Detergents with Hemp Clothing

Natural detergents are ideal for cleaning hemp clothing because they are gentle on the fabric and environmentally friendly. Here's why you should consider using natural detergents and how to choose the right ones for your hemp garments:

Gentle on Fabric:

Natural detergents contain fewer harsh chemicals, reducing the risk of damage to hemp fibers. This helps maintain the durability and softness of your clothing.


Traditional detergents can contain harmful chemicals that pollute waterways and harm ecosystems. Natural detergents are biodegradable and safer for the environment.


Natural detergents are often hypoallergenic, making them suitable for sensitive skin. This is important for those with allergies or skin conditions.

Effective Cleaning:

Despite being gentle, natural detergents are effective at cleaning and removing stains from hemp clothing.

When choosing a natural detergent, look for products labeled as eco-friendly, biodegradable, or plant-based. Avoid detergents with synthetic fragrances or dyes, as these can irritate the skin and affect the quality of your hemp clothing.

Weather Resistance of Hemp Fabric

Hemp clothing is known for its weather resistance, making it a versatile choice for various climates and conditions. Here's why hemp fabric is weather-resistant and how this characteristic benefits your clothing:


Hemp fabric naturally wicks away moisture, keeping you dry in humid or sweaty conditions. This makes it ideal for activewear and outdoor clothing.


Hemp's breathability allows air to circulate, keeping you cool in warm weather. This helps regulate body temperature and prevents overheating.

UV Resistance:

Hemp clothing offers a level of UV protection, reducing the risk of sunburn and other harmful effects of UV radiation.


Hemp's durability ensures it can withstand harsh weather conditions without wearing out quickly. This makes it a reliable choice for outdoor activities.

Mold and Mildew Resistance:

Hemp's natural resistance to mold and mildew ensures your clothing stays fresh even in damp or humid environments.

These weather-resistant characteristics make hemp clothing an excellent choice for various activities and climates. By caring for your hemp garments properly, you can ensure they retain these benefits over time.

Breathability of Hemp Clothing

Breathability is one of the standout features of hemp clothing, making it a comfortable choice for warm weather. Here's why hemp fabric is breathable and how this characteristic benefits your clothing:

Air Circulation: 

Hemp fibers have a natural structure that allows air to circulate freely through the fabric. This helps keep you cool and prevents overheating.


Hemp's moisture-wicking properties work in tandem with its breathability to keep you dry and comfortable. This is particularly beneficial during physical activities or in humid conditions.

Temperature Regulation: 

Hemp clothing's breathability contributes to temperature regulation, ensuring you stay cool in summer and warm in winter. This makes it a versatile choice for all seasons.

Reduced Odor: 

The breathability and antimicrobial properties of hemp fabric help reduce odor, keeping your clothing fresher for longer.

With its breathability and moisture-wicking characteristics, hemp clothing is an excellent choice for those seeking comfort and versatility. Proper care and maintenance will ensure these benefits are sustained throughout the life of your garments.

Layering with Hemp Clothing

Layering is a practical way to adapt to changing weather conditions, and hemp clothing is ideal for this purpose. Here's how to effectively layer with hemp clothing and why it's a great choice for layering:

Lightweight Base Layers: 

Hemp shirts and t-shirts make excellent base layers due to their breathability and moisture-wicking properties. These layers keep you comfortable and dry throughout the day.

Mid-Layers for Warmth: 

For cooler weather, hemp sweaters and jackets serve as excellent mid-layers. They provide warmth without adding excessive bulk.

Outer Layers for Protection: 

Hemp jackets and coats can be used as outer layers, offering durability and weather resistance. These outer layers protect against wind and light rain, making them ideal for outdoor activities.

Flexible Layering Options: 

Hemp clothing's versatility allows for various layering combinations, making it suitable for different weather conditions and activities.

By layering with hemp clothing, you can create a comfortable and adaptable outfit for any situation. Proper care and maintenance will ensure your layering pieces remain in excellent condition.

Outdoor Activities and Hemp Clothing

Hemp clothing is well-suited for outdoor activities due to its durability, breathability, and weather resistance. Here's why hemp is a great choice for outdoor wear and how to care for it after your adventures:

Durability for Rough Conditions: 

Hemp's durability ensures it can withstand the rigors of outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and rock climbing. This makes it a reliable choice for adventure seekers.

Weather Resistance for All Conditions: 

Hemp clothing's weather-resistant properties, including moisture-wicking and UV protection, make it ideal for outdoor activities in various climates.

Breathability for Comfort: 

Hemp's breathability ensures you stay comfortable during physical activities, even in warm weather. This is especially beneficial for activities that require endurance.

Easy Care After Use: 

After a day of outdoor activities, proper care is essential to maintain your hemp clothing. Wash in cold water and air dry to keep the fabric in good condition. Address any stains promptly to prevent permanent marks.

With its durability and weather-resistant features, hemp clothing is an excellent choice for outdoor activities. By following proper care techniques, you can ensure your garments are ready for your next adventure.

Choosing Hemp Clothing for All Seasons

Hemp clothing is a versatile choice that can be worn throughout the year. Here's how to choose hemp garments for different seasons and ensure you're dressed comfortably no matter the weather:


For hot weather, opt for lightweight hemp shirts, t-shirts, and shorts. These garments offer breathability and moisture-wicking properties to keep you cool and dry.

Spring and Autumn:

During transitional seasons, consider layering with hemp sweaters and jackets. These mid-layers provide warmth without adding excessive bulk.


For colder weather, choose heavier hemp jackets and coats. These outer layers offer protection from wind and light rain, keeping you warm and comfortable.

Versatile Accessories:

Hemp accessories like hats and scarves can complement your outfit and provide additional warmth when needed.

By selecting the right hemp clothing for each season, you can ensure you're dressed appropriately and comfortably throughout the year. Proper care and maintenance will keep your garments in excellent condition regardless of the season.

Customizing Hemp Clothing

Customization allows you to add a personal touch to your hemp clothing and create unique pieces that reflect your style. Here's how to customize hemp garments and care for them to maintain their appearance:

Dyeing Hemp Fabric:

Hemp fabric can be dyed to create custom colors and patterns. Use natural dyes for an eco-friendly approach, and follow the dye manufacturer's instructions for best results.

Embroidery and Applique:

Embroidery and appliqué are excellent ways to add decorative elements to hemp clothing. Use high-quality threads and ensure the embroidery is done carefully to avoid damaging the fabric.

Screen Printing and Fabric Painting:

Custom designs can be added to hemp clothing through screen printing or fabric painting. These techniques allow for intricate patterns and artwork on your garments.

Adding Accessories:

You can customize hemp clothing by adding buttons, patches, or other accessories. Ensure these additions are securely attached and won't cause damage to the fabric.

When customizing hemp clothing, take care to avoid harsh chemicals or techniques that could damage the fabric. Proper care, including gentle washing and air drying, will ensure your customized garments remain in excellent condition.

Safety Considerations with Hemp Clothing

Safety is an essential aspect of clothing care, and hemp clothing is generally considered safe. However, there are a few safety considerations to keep in mind when caring for and wearing hemp garments:

Avoid Flammable Substances:

Although hemp fabric is naturally flame-resistant, avoid exposing it to flammable substances like gasoline or alcohol.

Follow Care Labels:

Always follow the care label instructions to ensure your hemp clothing is cleaned and maintained safely. This helps prevent damage and extends the life of your garments.

Check for Allergies:

While hemp clothing is generally hypoallergenic, some people may have allergies to specific dyes or treatments used on the fabric. If you experience irritation or allergic reactions, stop wearing the garment and seek medical advice.

Ensure Proper Ventilation:

When storing hemp clothing, ensure there's adequate ventilation to prevent mold or mildew growth. This helps maintain the safety and freshness of your garments.

Use Eco-Friendly Products:

Opt for eco-friendly detergents and cleaning products when caring for hemp clothing. These products are safer for both you and the environment.

By following these safety considerations, you can ensure your hemp clothing remains safe to wear and care for, providing peace of mind as you enjoy your eco-friendly garments.

Accessorizing with Hemp Clothing

Accessorizing with hemp clothing allows you to create stylish and unique outfits. Here's how to accessorize with hemp garments and choose complementary items:

Hemp Hats and Caps:

Hemp hats and caps are a great way to add style to your outfit while providing protection from the sun. They come in various styles and can be worn with casual or formal attire.

Hemp Bags and Backpacks:

Hemp bags and backpacks are durable and eco-friendly accessories that complement your hemp clothing. They are ideal for everyday use or outdoor activities.

Hemp Scarves and Wraps:

Hemp scarves and wraps can be used for warmth or as a fashion statement. They add a touch of elegance to your outfit and are perfect for layering.

Hemp Jewelry and Accessories:

Hemp jewelry, such as bracelets and necklaces, adds a natural and earthy vibe to your outfit. These accessories can be customized with beads and other decorations.

Matching with Other Fabrics:

Hemp clothing pairs well with other natural fabrics like cotton and linen. Experiment with different combinations to create stylish and eco-friendly outfits.

By accessorizing with hemp clothing, you can create unique and versatile outfits for various occasions. Proper care and maintenance will ensure your accessories remain in excellent condition, allowing you to enjoy them for years to come.


Caring for hemp clothing involves a combination of proper washing, drying, ironing, and storage techniques. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure your hemp garments remain in excellent condition, providing durability, comfort, and sustainability for years to come. Whether you're a fan of hemp clothing's eco-friendly nature or its unique style, proper care is key to enjoying all its benefits.


Q1: How do I care for hemp clothing? 

To care for hemp clothing, wash it in cold water with a gentle detergent, air dry or use low heat in the dryer, and iron with a medium heat setting. Avoid bleach and follow the care label instructions.

Q2: Can hemp clothing shrink? 

Yes, hemp clothing can shrink if exposed to high heat during washing or drying. To avoid shrinkage, use cold water for washing and low heat or air drying.

Q3: Is hemp clothing safe for sensitive skin? 

Yes, hemp clothing is generally safe for sensitive skin. It has hypoallergenic properties and is often free from harsh chemicals. However, always check for allergies to dyes or treatments used on the fabric.

Q4: Can I use fabric softener on hemp clothing? 

Yes, you can use a natural fabric softener on hemp clothing to maintain softness. Avoid chemical softeners, as they can harm the fabric and the environment.

Q5: Is hemp clothing suitable for all seasons?

Yes, hemp clothing is suitable for all seasons. It offers breathability and moisture-wicking for warm weather and can be layered for cooler weather. It's also durable and weather-resistant, making it a versatile choice.

Q6: How do I remove stains from hemp clothing?

To remove stains from hemp clothing, act quickly by blotting the stain and applying a mild detergent. Rinse with cold water and wash as usual. Avoid harsh chemicals and bleach, as they can damage the fabric.